Rescue Stories: Meet Conchita!

Happy Rescue Stories Friday Friends!! We're back in July with the sweetest pup to introduce you to, one that has been part of the Fit & Go family for years and years. If you've been following along the past few months you know that during these ruff times, animal shelters and organizations have been struggling to maintain enough funding and supplies to support the hundreds of adoptable dogs/pets in their shelters. We are doing everything we can to help their efforts!
At Fit & Go Pets we play an important role (sometimes big, sometimes small) in helping dog rescue parents and their dogs as they go through their rescue journey and adapt to a new life. We see, first hand, entire lives changed for the better. We feel this role we serve is a big part of who we are as a company, and our duty, to help our community and help as many dogs and pawrents as possible.
So without further ado, we are so excited to introduce you to this month's Rescue Story... meet Conchita!
Conchitas's Rescue Profile:
- Rescue date: May 2014
- Breed: Pom Mix
- Approximate age: 9 years old
- Personality: Sassy
- Loves to: Play on the beach, hang out in posh places with family, walks, and parks
Her mom Anapaula tells us Conchita’s story:
Conchita was left behind on a balcony in an abandoned apartment. She was just a puppy, someone saw her and after 3 days jumped to that balcony and saved her. She was later dropped at VCA Brickell Animal Hospital where the vet lovingly took her in as pro bono. She already had parvo, so not only was she abandoned but she was already dying since she had not been vaccinated. The vet saved her life! After that, Conchita was under strict medication and observation for 2 weeks. She eventually healed and gained her strength back. I was at the vet’s office for my other dog's check-up when our vet offered for us to meet her, and the two dogs immediately fell in love. I instantly adored her. She was very, very scared of strangers. I took her home after she was 100% healthy. That was 7 years ago! Conchita is the sweetest, sassiest, most loyal, and grateful dog you'll ever meet.
The greatest lesson:
Conchita is a fighter. She loves to cuddle and give everyone love. She has a very funny personality and now lives a glamorous life which she deserves after all the pain and heartbreak she endured.
A piece of advice:
Rescue dogs are by far the best! Somehow they save you. They make you appreciate life and they contribute to you both having a healthier and loving life.
What I wish I had known:
All dogs should have a home! No dogs should be on the street, abandoned, or killed. They are a man's best friend and are so loyal.
We know you have a wonderful dog rescue story. Tell us your story so we can post it on our blog and share it with all the people we know. It will take 5-8 minutes of your time. Let's get more people excited about dog rescue!